What can we do these next five years
to prepare Nelson University for our next 100?

Become part of
The 2027 Project

In 2027, Nelson University celebrates 100 years of equipping Spirit-empowered leaders for this moment. As a fun, faithful family, the University invites you to contribute to the success of this once-in-a-century initiative.

Join us over the next five years in our bold initiative to reconnect alumni back with Nelson University, share stories of Nelson University's worldwide impact, and bolster the financial foundation for Nelson University's next 100 years. Our goal by 2027 is $5 million dollars. Below you can see our progress.

The 2027 Project incorporates both fundraising and campus & community projects: What will your part be?

icon - One 9/27

One 9/27

9/27 is Nelson University Giving Day. Since 1927, the year of Nelson University's founding, every gift that has come into the University has played a part in constructing Nelson University's financial foundation

We are calling on the Nelson University family from around the globe to give ONE gift on September 27. Together we can advance Nelson University's mission and further equip Spirit-empowered leaders for this moment.

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First Gifts

Are you ready to make your first gift? Each year of The 2027 Project, Nelson University seeks 100 donors to make a first-time 2027 Project gift to the University. No matter the size of your gift, you can be sure your donation advances the Kingdom of God by equipping students.

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Feedback for Good

A student-led campaign. Nelson University Residential Life (RezLife) challenges students to give $100,000 to the University by the end of The 2027 Project. How? By partnering with the innovative company Hundred X, Nelson University students give feedback on brands they use and generate $2 for each survey they complete. Contact RezLife for more information ([email protected]).

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Lions Helping Lions

Each year, students need assistance paying for the current academic year or starting the next one. An undesignated scholarship allows Nelson University to award Advancement Scholarships to students who need help with tuition costs. We are seeking 100 undesignated scholarship donations from now through the end of The 2027 Project to help meet the financial needs of Nelson University students.

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Century Society

When numerous individuals give to Nelson University monthly, our leadership can more robustly gauge the University’s financial vitality and maneuver itself to better serve students. Recurring donors are a vital aspect of strengthening the financial foundation for the next 100 years. We seek 100 new donors to make a 1-year commitment to give $100 a month or to increase one’s current monthly giving to $100.

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Regents Society

Nelson University faculty, staff, and board members who give a recurring financial gift to Nelson University, in any amount, go above and beyond what’s required of their spiritual and academic leadership to the University. We want to inspire 100 faculty, staff, and board members to make a 1-year commitment to giving a monthly recurring gift of any amount to Nelson University.

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Siglo Society

Siglo is Spanish for "century." In addition to being known as a growing part of the Nelson University community, many Hispanic alumni have expressed to Nelson University that they want to be known as a giving community. A contingent of Hispanic alumni came together and set a goal of inspiring 100 Hispanic alumni to make a 1-year commitment to giving $50 a month to Nelson University.

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Church Pillars

Make Nelson University a part of your church’s missions-giving portfolio with a recurring donation. The fellowship and local churches have always been the pillars of the University. By giving monthly to Nelson University, your church joins a host of Bible-believing, Spirit-empowered congregations that believe in and uphold the mission and vision of Nelson University.

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Church Leadership Scholarships

In 1992, one in three pastors was under the age of 40. Today, that number is closer to only one in seven. Fewer young men and women are answering the call to ministry. Nelson University is on a mission to change that. Church Leadership Degree Scholarships provide a 50-100% tuition discount for students in the 15 different Church Leadership academic programs.

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Echo Society

Can one gift really echo for 100 years? With an endowed gift, you establish an enduring scholarship or fund in memory of a loved one or heartfelt burden that blesses Nelson University students year after year. Throughout The 2027 Project, we seek 13 new endowed gifts to reach our goal of 100 fully endowed scholarships by 2027.

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Current count: 94 / 100 95 / 100

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Church Leadership Golf Tournament

We created the Sutton Family Church Leadership Golf Tournament to raise awareness of Nelson University’s Church Leadership Degree Scholarship fund. Pastors, church staff, and alumni compete for top golf prizes, a year of bragging rights, and learn about students who major in Church Leadership programs and Nelson University's charge to inspire more young men and women into ministry. Is your church ready for the challenge?

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Current count: 40 / 100

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Charitable Gift Arrangements

Take care of yourself and take care of Nelson University. With a simple gift arrangement known as a Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA), you provide a charitable gift to Nelson University while also receiving a permanent income stream for life. CGAs are a suitable choice for anyone living on a fixed income or concerned about outliving their retirement — but still wants to give generously.

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Total raised: $100,000

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Shared Legacies

A deferred gift is a perfect way to impact students beyond the life of the donor. Nelson University believes for 100 generous individuals to commit a legacy gift to Nelson University in either their will, trust, retirement plan, or life insurance policy. No matter the amount, Nelson University will be a part of your legacy and you will forever be a part of Nelson University's.

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Current count: 6/100 – Total committed through planned giving: $6,540,000

The 2027 Project


Fundraising Goal: $5M raised by 2027.

  Year 1 Year 2 Totals
One 9/27: Nelson University Giving Day $64,844 $82,671 $147,515
First Gifts $9,261 $7,701 $16,962
Feedback for Good $20,342   $20,342
Lions Helping Lions $16,806   $16,806
Century Society $31,262 $32,962 $64,224
Regents Society $6,276 $7,183 $13,459
Siglo Society $1,986 $6,425 $8,411
Church Pillars $8,775 $6,325 $15,100
Church Leadership Scholarships $239,007 $492,794 $731,801
Echo Society $859,750 $814,947 $1,674,697
Golf Classic   $39,495 $39,495
Pave the Way   $24,896 $24,896
Sports Venue $42,700 $407,337 $450,037
Shaping the Future Gala   $170,000 $170,000
TOTAL $1,301,009 $2,092,736 $3,393,745

Campus & Community
Service Projects

The 2027 Project touches every area of the University. We cannot anticipate that Nelson University's next 100 years will be better than the first 100 based on the success of one office or program. Nelson University's faculty and staff are leading the charge and challenging their teams to contribute to Nelson University's legacy in unique ways specific to the health of their department.

As a student, faculty, staff, alum, or friend of Nelson University, your part might be investing time and energy in one of the following campus and community projects over the next five years. With your participation, we anticipate each project's success translating into more public awareness and interest in Nelson University, greater affinity and pride amongst alumni, and more profound spiritual growth within students.


The President and the Nelson University Alumni Office have established the Momentum Prayer Initiative to intercede on behalf of the campus and student body. Over the next five years, Momentum will host 100 prayer groups that will become foundational to the Spiritual Life on-campus at Nelson University! Their prayer focus will include Kingdom Impact, Faculty & Staff, Spiritual Health & Wellness, and Divine Protection & Provision. Sign Up.

With nearly 100 years of Nelson University history, we believe every alumnus has a story to tell. What’s yours? The Nelson University Alumni Association will collect your unique stories and experiences into a historical archive, uniting Nelson University alumni across generations, professions, and life experiences. In the end, we will produce a commemorative compilation of our time at Nelson University. By sharing your memory, you’ll ensure that Nelson University’s rich history is preserved for the next 100 years.

Through a collaboration between Convoy of Hope and Nelson University, "Love Thy Neighbor" is a one-day gathering of leaders designed to help churches successfully engage their communities through compassion. Through workshops, teaching sessions, and roundtable discussions, church leaders will take actionable steps in engaging their communities through compassion ministries that result in empowered and transformed lives. Register Here.

Nelson University has produced a vast number of excellent preachers over the last 100 years. The College of Bible and Church Ministries plans to review and select 100 sermons that represent the various decades of the school’s existence. These sermons will be archived for ready retrieval by those who wish to be enriched and encouraged by men and women who have been trained at Nelson University.

Mission-mindedness is a Nelson University core value. Each year, we will inspire 100 students to participate in missions trips by pointing them to opportunities provided by the Southwestern Missions Association (SMA) or local churches.

We will foster spiritual formation among students by compiling and sharing the stories of individuals whose lives have been affected by the prayer movement of SMA.

We will encourage 100 students to make a faith promise toward SMA missions projects and look for God to provide miraculously.

We want Nelson University students to be known as tangible difference makers and witnesses of God’s love in our community. We will encourage and celebrate each student who completes 100 volunteer hours in SMA outreach projects reaching the homeless, refugees, at-risk children, the elderly, and those with special needs.

Where are they now? Student-athletes come to Nelson University to make a difference on the field and prepare themselves as future leaders in their communities. Over the next five years, we will highlight 100 student-athlete alumni from around the globe and share how they lead in business, education, ministry, and much more.

Nelson University athletics has developed amazing athletes over the years. Throughout The 2027 Project, we will look back at 100 of their most outstanding individual and team performances.

We think our Nelson University student-athletes are exceptional, and so do many others. Together let's count up and celebrate the first 100 student-athletes to receive national recognition as All-American and Academic All-American athletes.

The NAIA Champions of Character Initiative fosters spiritual formation, missions-mindedness, and servant leadership on and off the field. For The 2027 Project, the athletics department will implement 100 outreach and service opportunities for student-athletes each year.

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