We are a group of students from Southwestern Assemblies of God University who
FocUS on Missions Here and Now
, in the United States. Our 20/20 FocUS vision is to reach all fifty states, ten most populated cities, top ten unreached people groups, and the ten largest tribes in America by the year 2020. We believe God has called SAGU to engage in U.S missions over the next eight years through sending out people to serve in ministry. In order to fulfill this vision, team leaders and assistant team leaders will be enabled, equipped, and empowered to lead their peers across the country to minister in every state. The ultimate goal of FocUS is to expose students to the world of missions and challenge them to serve in the field for a longer period of time.
Mission Statement:
To serve the missionary body and local churches through opportunities that will raise awareness of world needs, strengthen callings, and develop leadership skills.
FocUS Trips List
Kodiak, Alaska: May 21st – 28th
Team Leader: TBD
Phoneix, Arizona: May 28th – June 2nd
Team Leader: Josh Kettle
Victorville, California: June 16th-28th
Team Leader: Melissa Cochran
Assistant Team Leader: Celeste Garcia
Denver, Colorado: June 14th-28th
Team Leader: Chris Eyser
Assistant Team Leader: Shea Cutler
- Wright City, Oklahoma: June 10th – 14th
Team Leader: Anthony Skeet
- Hamilton, Texas: March 28th-31st
Team Leader: Areli Ortiz
- Morgantown, West Virginia: July 13th-22nd
Team Leader: Sydney Zimmerle
Assistant Leader: Nikayla Sadler
*Trip dates may be subject to change. Contact TL for more info